AI Summit_Sept. 13 2024

diary services and to improve and strengthen the protection of European fundamental and con sumer rights, to facilitate and promote competition and innovation in the European digital single RFWPJY FSI YT JSMFSHJ JSKTWHJRJSY TK YMJ TGQNLFYNTSX NRUTXJI & PJ^ JQJRJSY TK YMJ )8& UFWYNHZQFWQ^ YT UWTYJHY FLFNSXY NSYJWKJWJSHJ NS *ZWTUJFS JQJHYNTSX NX F XYWNHYJW FUUWTFHM YT NQQJLFQ HTSYJSY

148 nik-s-broadcasting-in-the-eu/. 149 MYYUX JZW QJ] JZWTUF JZ WJXTZWHJ MYRQ$ZWN"HJQQFW J F JG FF JI F )4(D KTWRFY"5)+ .

150 EU AI Act, Article 5(1)(a). 151 EU AI Act, Article 5(1)(c).] AI Roundtable Page 180

24 Data Mining, Algorithms, and Deepfakes

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