AI Summit_Sept. 13 2024

Congressional Research Service

of those entities without parental consent. Further, the rules shall require that an entity allow a parent or guardian of the minor to revoke consent at any time without being charged a fee. The Assuring Safe, Secure, Ethical, and Stable Systems for AI (ASSESS AI) Act (S. 1356) was introduced on April 27, 2023. The bill would direct the President to appoint a task force on AI governance and oversight (AI Task Force) to assess the privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties implications of AI. The AI Task Force would include specified representatives of federal agencies as well as the Director of OSTP, the Chairs of the National AI Advisory &RPPLWWHH¶V Subcommittee on AI and Law Enforcement, the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, and the Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency, as well as at least six (up to 10) representatives from the private sector in specified areas. Duties of the AI Task Force would include assessing existing policy, regulatory, and legal gaps for AI applications and associated data; and making recommendations to Congress and the President for legislative and regulatory reforms. Specific requirements would include recommendations regarding baseline standards for federal government use of biometric information, including FR. The AI Task Force would sunset after 18 months, before which time it would submit a final report to the President and Congress. The Facial Recognition and Biometric Technology Moratorium Act of 2023 (H.R. 1404 and S. 681) were introduced on March 7, 2023. The identical bills would prohibit biometric surveillance by the federal government without explicit statutory authorization. The bill would also withhold certain federal public safety grants from state and local governments that engage in biometric surveillance. A biometric survei OODQFH V\VWHP LV GHILQHG LQ WKH ELOO DV ³DQ\ FRPSXWHU VRIWZDUH WKDW SHUIRUPV IDFLDO UHFRJQLWLRQ RU RWKHU UHPRWH ELRPHWULF UHFRJQLWLRQ LQ UHDO WLPH RU RQ D UHFRUGLQJ RU SKRWRJUDSK ´ The Federal Police Camera and Accountability Act (H.R. 843) was introduced on February 6, 2023. The bill would require federal law enforcement (LE) officers to wear body cameras and to notify any subject that he or she is being recorded. The bill would prohibit the required body cameras from being equipped with, or employing, any facial recognition or other biometric surveillance (FR/biometric) technologies. Further, the bill would prohibit any LE camera or recording device from using FR/biometric technology; such uses would include entering into an agreement for another LE agency or third party to use a FR/biometric technology on behalf of the requesting officer or agency. The resolution Expressing support for Congress to focus on artificial intelligence ( H.Res. 66) was introduced on January 26, 2023. The resolution would support a congressional focus on AI to ensure that (1) it is developed in a safe and ethical manner that respects the rights and privacy of Americans, and (2) LWV EHQHILWV DUH ZLGHO\ GLVWULEXWHG DQG LWV ULVNV DUH PLQLPL]HG 5HSUHVHQWDWLYH /LHX¶V RIILFH UHSRUWHG WKDW the resolution was written by AI, using the generative AI model ChatGPT. 8

8 2IILFH RI 5HSUHVHQWDWLYH 7HG /LHX ³5HS /LHX ,QWURGXFHV )LUVW )HGHUDO /HJLVODWLRQ (YHU :ULWWHQ E\ $UWLILFLDO ,QWHOOLJHQFH ´ press release, January 26, 2023, ever-written-artificial.

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